Hey y'all! I'm Courtney, but feel free to call me Scout!
Hey y'all,
I've come to realize that I’m terrible at anything that requires long-term consistency - so, pretty much every goal that’s worth having.
To see how bad it’s really become, I set out to track my daily habits for 90 days. Spoiler alert, I gave up after a month. I couldn't even be consistent enough with the tracking habit in order to find out where I'm inconsistent with the other habits.
The answer: everywhere.
Maybe the universe was helping me get to the answer 60 days faster so I can hurry up and jumpstart my new personal mission: TINY STEPS.
It’s said that how you spend your days is how you spend your life. I’d like to spend my life doing a bunch of meaningful things worth remembering, rather than journaling about the possibilities from the comfort of my living room couch.
I’m going to start doing better today to be better in this lifetime:
+ I’m running my first marathon and finishing my first triathlon.
+ I’m cash-flowing a backpacking trip across Europe with my love.
+ I’m becoming totally debt-free. Buh-bye $35k of student loans!
+I'm drinking water that isn't carbonated.
+ I'm going dairy-free to give my gut a rest from my typically vegetarian diet.
+ I'm joining Toastmasters to hone my public speaking skills with long-term goals media personality work goals.
+ I’m giving myself permission to be more open and honest in my writings and my relationships.
+ I’m giving myself some grace because fully showing up as an Earth human day-in-and-day-out is tough. Life can often feel overwhelming and heart-wrenching and joyous and inspiring all in the same moment.
+ I’m testing out a bunch of different strategies to see what works best for me and I'm writing about it here!
I recently asked an ultra runner friend how he can physically run 100+ miles. He said, “It’s a lot of tiny steps.” I think that's a great way of looking at this 18 month (but really, lifelong) journey of building up a tool box of consistently better choices, behaviors, and habits...just a bunch of tiny steps...ideally more forward than backward. Although as Vishen Lakhiani recently reminded me, maintaining a growth-mindset is always the end goal, even if the specific results feel like they should be.
I happily encourage you to join in on this growth journey, too! It's right freakin' time to create the applied road map to our goals and start living into who we're made to be.