Oct 23, 20194 min read
Rediscovering my WHY
This year I’ve read 40+ personal development books, listened to upwards of 400 podcast episodes, and YouTube rabbit-holed...
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I'm Courtney!
After spending the last year and a half living in Austin, TX, y'all is now in my vernacular and my midwestern Madison neighbors are stuck with it.
A few things about me...
I thank my lucky stars that I get to work for an incredible Biotech company down the street from my apartment. I rarely know what people are talking about and regularly have to Google words like "reagent" and "genomics." Despite having spent 10+ years in college, I'm easily the dumbest person they've employed.
My greatest pleasures in life are flying down the side of a mountain at night with the simple glow of my headlamp lighting the way and getting off a plane in a new country with nowhere to go but everywhere.
If I'm the average of the top 5 people I spend time with, my cat, Bitsy, is the strongest force in my future success.
I read about two books a week, but have no less than 30 library books on my nightstand at one time, just in case.
I met my partner at a bike shop where we both worked. Edit: where he knowledgeably sold expensive bikes and I walked around confused looking for register help. He gave me a super crappy tour of the shop on my first day and soon moved away to live with his fiancé in California (not me). I then moved to rural Japan, returned to Milwaukee a year later, and very hesitantly said yes to a taco date after running into him during a bike tune-up. Five years later, his shop tour probably still sucks.
I have a life memoir sitting in my brain waiting to be horrifyingly splattered across the pages of a book. I'm hoping that my Tiny Steps project will soon start those chapters.
Thanks to Dave Ramsey's baby steps, I am happily 100% DEBT FREE! I am currently enjoying baby steps 3B (saving up for a house down payment) and 4 (investing 15% of my income). Between Dave's podcast and every personal finance book I could find at the library, I now have a detailed savings and investing plan. I'd love to chat with you about how you can do the same with your finances!
Brevity is not my strength.
The author, Angie Cruz, was inspired by her mother's courageous (and horrifying) immigration story and based Dominicana on the experiences her mother had growing up as a teenaged wife in New York City (from the Dominican Republic). Angie's mom noted that her story wasn't anything special - that it was just like what most young immigrant women faced at that time - which makes her story even more fascinating to me.