Life Mission Statement and Level 10 Goals
My Life Mission Statement: COMING SOON!
50 words or less:
What am I passionate about? What do I dream about?
What are my values?
What makes me great?
What are my skills and abilities?
What inspires and energizes me?
= The value you create + who you're creating it for + the expected outcome
What is a Level 10 Life?
According to Hal Elrod in his book, The Miracle Morning, a Level 10 life is when you dedicate time each day to developing yourself into who you need to be to create the life you want.
“If we’re measuring our levels of success/satisfaction in any area of our lives, we all want to be living our best lives at a ‘Level 10’ in each area. Creating your ‘Level 10 Life’ begins with creating an honest assessment of where you are.” - Hal Elrod, The Miracle Morning
My take on it?
I truly don't think that you can have a perfect level 10 rating in all areas of life, especially not all at the same time. But, I do think that one can create their own standards and expectations for what is satisfactory/above satisfactory for them and work to create a balanced life where every area can feel good or content all at once.
Life just isn't simple enough that it can be rated in a pie chart and then elevated into a level 10 life because you put a few goals into place. The tool (above) provides a great start to gaining more insight and self-awareness into where your priorities currently lie and where there is room for improvement. Some months or years are naturally going to be more focused on certain areas of life, like career, relationships, or finances. Other times are going to lean more toward health or spirituality, and that's perfectly normal and okay. The important piece is being able to recognize where your priorities are and if that aligns with where you want them.
Life Priorities: 2020 Goals (none of this is happening, obviously)
1. Personal Development
- Read 70 books
- Attend The Perk sessions each month, plus other local conferences and trainings (DreamBank, Wilder Running, etc.)
- Spend more time after work using left side of brain learning ASL, piano, ukulele, French, German
2. Finances
- Save $10,000 for fully funded emergency fund by April 2020 ✅
- Invest 15% of income into 401k starting June 2020 (+3% match) ✅
- Get rid of car and save up $8k in cash for a used one by October 2020 ✅
- Build up travel fund to at least $5,000 by December 2020
- Get a bigger shovel by either getting a raise or getting a part-time job ✅
3. Fun and Recreation
- Incorporate more trail running/walking into recreation (join up with Madison Trail Runners) ✅
- Take different types of dance classes (two step & swing) or fitness dance/aqua aerobics classes
- Attend a variety of affordable UW sporting events throughout the year and explore more of what Madison has to offer
- Schedule and plan more consistent domestic and international travel adventures
- Participate in a local introduction to pottery/photography course
4. Friends & Family
- Schedule monthly date nights with friends into calendar
- Reach out more often to friends that I don't often see or hear from
- Monthly dinner dates with dad ✅
- Reach out to acquaintances in Madison for coffee or to attend concerts/events
- Reach out to friends in Milwaukee when in town to catch up
5. Career & Work
- Say yes to new responsibilities and learning opportunities ✅
- Attend related professional development trainings and conferences
- Attend interesting Promega HR/ESI trainings ✅
- Complete online real estate program through Keller Williams and pass certification ✅
6. Relationship
- Regularly work on personal and joint goals together
- Focus on having more face-to-face date time
- Do something fun together at least once a week
- Take the initiative to plan weekend getaways and bigger international trips
- Don't be afraid to have challenging conversations
7. Community Involvement and Giving
- Weekly volunteer time at Heartland Farm Sanctuary
- Donate to important causes when funds are matched, like on Giving Tuesday ✅
- Volunteer at least once a month with Nick at a non-profit that he's excited about
8. Health & Fitness
- Run first marathon on April 11 (cancelled - ran 18 miles)
- Reach daily 10,000 minimum step goal
- Participate in first sprint triathlon by end of 2020
- Quality and consistent BibRave Pro program involvement
- Incorporate more regular cross/strength training into fitness training regimen
9. Spiritual Growth
- Attend free spirituality/meditation classes at Perennial several times a month
- Attend weekly sound meditation and Qigong sessions at work
- Try out different progressive churches in town that might provide healthy spiritual reflection time
- Attend Buddhist center trainings/sessions starting in April
- Incorporate more spiritual readings into my book lists
10. Self Care
- Enjoy home cooked vegan meals at least three times/week ✅
- Prioritize having enough time alone and time at home to work on passion projects
- Work on improving time management by waking up/going to bed earlier and scheduling in daily priority tasks/projects
- Focus on positive self talk and letting go of limiting beliefs
- Enjoying slower weekends in at home full of reading and lounging and not considering it "lazy time"